Charter of Rights
Your Individual Rights
To be given respect as an individual
- To be treated with dignity
- To have status, regardless of disability
- To be given access to services and resources
- According to individual needs
- Not to be discriminated against
- To be a partner and be consulted and fully
- Involved in decisions
- To accept or refuse a service
Your Information
- To receive information about Silverlake Care prior to admission
- To comment upon, complain about and participate in the quality of care received
- You may choose to have a relative, friend or advisor to represent your wishes and ensure your rights are protected
- To be advised of the services available to you and the implications of refusing a service
Your Responsibility
- To take part in planning and reviewing care
- To consent to, or refuse a service, subject to consideration of your own health, welfare or safety or that of other residents – subject to your legal status
- To make financial contributions toward the cost of your accommodation
Your Confidentiality
- To know the information given to, or received from you will be relevant, accurate, kept secure and will be treated confidentially
- To know that this information will be obtained fairly and carefully, held only for lawful purposes and not used or disclosed to a third party without your consent
Your Healthcare
- To choose your own medical and dental practitioner
- To receive health and social care services
- To know that any medication is given on the instruction of a registered medical practitioner